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Symphonic or Planetary Gong with Om Logo 36" / 91 cm
We offer the Om-Logo printed in black, white or transparent. You can also order the Om-Logo on other gongs.
Terra mit Om-Logo 36" / 91cm
136,10 Hz / C# 3 A4/a' = 432.09 Hz The gong vibrates an octave lower: 136,1 / 2 = 68,05 Hz C# 2 We offer the Om-Logo printed in black, white or transparent. You can also order the Om-Logo on other gongs.
Luna siderisch 36" / 91 cm
227,43 Hz / A# 3 A4/a' = 429.33 Hz The gong vibrates two octaves lower: 227,43 / 4 = 56,86 Hz A# 1
Makemake 36" / 91 cm
227,56 Hz / A# 3 A4/a' = 429.58 Hz The gong vibrates two octaves lower: 227,56 / 4 = 56,89 Hz A# 1
Mondknoten / Nodes Gong 36" / 91cm
234,16 Hz / A# 3 A4/a' = 442.04 Hz The gong vibrates two octaves lower: 234,16 / 4 = 56,86 Hz A# 1
Pallas 36" / 91cm
235,68 Hz / A# 3 A4/a' = 444.90 Hz The gong vibrates two octaves lower: 235,68 / 4 = 58,92 Hz A#1
Ceres 36" / 91cm
236,47 Hz / A# 3 A4/a' = 446.39 The gong vibrates two octaves lower: 236,47 / 4 = 59,12 Hz A# 1
Quaoar 36" / 91cm
241,26 Hz / B 3 A4/a' = 429.88 The gong vibrates two octaves lower: 241,26 / 4 = 60,32 Hz B 1
Haumea 36" / 91 cm
245,56 Hz / B 3 A4/a' = 437.55 Hz The gong vibrates two octaves lower: 245,56 / 4 = 61,39 Hz B 1
Circe 36" / 91cm
247,33 Hz / B 3 A4/a' = 440.70 Hz The gong vibrates two octaves lower: 247,33 / 4 = 61,83 Hz B 1
Eris 36" / 91cm
249,28 Hz / B 3 A4/a' = 444.17 Hz The gong vibrates two octaves lower: 249,28 / 4 = 62,32Hz B 1
Varuna 36" / 91cm
249,58 Hz / B 3 A4/a' = 444.70 Hz The gong vibrates two octaves lower: 249,58 / 4= 62,39 Hz B 1
Schumann Resonanz 36" / 91cm
Earthresonancefrequency, is the vibrational pattern with which the earth pulsates 125,28 Hz / B 2 A4/a' = 446.45 Hz The gong vibrates one octave lower: 125,28 / 2 = 62,64 Hz B 1
On request the gong is without logo available.
Delphin Frequency 36" / 91cm
125,28 Hz / B 2 A4/a' = 446.45 Hz The gong vibrates one octave lower: 125,28 / 2 = 62,64 Hz B 1
Gongong 36" / 91cm
125,70 Hz / B 2 (H 2) A4/a' = Hz The gong vibrates one octave lower: 125,70 / 2 = 62,64Hz B 1
Sol 36" / 91cm
126,22 Hz / B 2 (H 2) A4/a' = 449.80 Hz The gong vibrates two octaves lower: 126,22 / 2 = 63,11Hz B 1
Fides 36" / 91cm
126,76 Hz / B 2 A4/a' = 451.64 Hz The gong vibrates one octave lower: 126,76 / 2 = 63,38 Hz B# 2
Master Fork 36" / 91cm
128 Hz / C 3 A4/a' = 430.54 Hz The gong vibrates one octave lower: 128 / 2 = 64 Hz C 2
Sedna 36" (old frequency)/ 91cm
128,10 Hz / C 3
The gong vibrates an octave lower: 128,1 / 2 = 64,055 Hz C 2
Diana 36" / 91cm
128,46 Hz / C 3 A4/a' = 432.07 Hz The gong vibrates an octave lower: 128,46 / 2 = 64,23 Hz C 2
Irene 36" / 91cm
130,88 Hz / C 3 A4/a' = 440.23 Hz The gong vibrates an octave lower: 130,88 / 2 = 65,44 Hz C# 2
Egeria 36" / 91 cm
131,67 Hz / C 3 A4/a' = 442.87 Hz The gong vibrates an octave lower: 131,67 / 2 = 65,83 Hz C 2
DNA Gong 36" / 91cm
132,66 Hz / C 3 A4/a' = 446.21 Hz The gong vibrates an octave lower: 132,66 / 2 = 66,33 Hz B# 2
Amphitrite 36" / 91cm
133,31 Hz / C 3 A4/a' = 448.41 Hz The gong vibrates an octave lower: 133,31 / 2 = 66,66 Hz C# 2
Terra 36" / 91cm
136,10 Hz / C# 3 A4/a' = 432.09 Hz The gong vibrates an octave lower: 136,1 / 2 = 68,05 Hz C# 2