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B Love Sacred Sound Flumie

B Love Sacred Sound Flumies B Love Sacred Sound Flumie .......These Flumies find amazing and unexpected tones in your gong

Available in the following sizes:

1 47,-€

1,3 49,-€

1,6 49,-€

2 47,-€

2,5 47,-€

3 47,-€

3,5 53,-€

4 62,-€

4,5 67,-€

5 77,-€

6 91,-€

6,5 99,-€

7 105,-€

7,5 113,-€

8 120,-€

9 135,-€

10 149,-€

B Love Sacred Sound Flumie Set

Super High Set 1; 1,3; 1,6 145,-€

High Set 2; 2,5; 3 139,-€

Polaris Set 2,5; 3,5; 4,5 165,-€

Polaris Plus Set 2,5; 3,5; 4,5; 6,5 262,-€

Mid Set 4; 5; 6; 6,5 327,-€

Spectrum Set 2; 4; 6 198,-€

B Love Sacred Sound Photonic Flumies B Love Sacred Sound Photonic Flumie .......These Flumies find amazing and unexpected tones in your gong and glow after charging in UV light

Available in the following sizes:

1 51,-€

1,3 54,-€

1,6 54,-€

2 53,-€

2,5 53,-€

3 53,-€

3,5 60,-€

4 65,-€

5 83,-€

6 98,-€

6,5 106,-€

7 112,-€

7,5 120,-€

8 127,-€

9 142,-€

10 155,-€

B Love Sacred Sound Photonic Flumie Set

Super High Set 1; 1,3; 1,6 160,-€

High Set 2; 2,5; 3 157,-€

Mid Set 4; 5; 6; 6,5 350,-€

Spectrum Set 2; 4; 6 214,-€

Reiber / e-Gong Reiber / e-Gong A flumie which produces very high tones from the gong. There are no snailtrails. Weight 22g, lenght 20cm, head 29,7cm, ideal for gongs in the size of 16"-80", possible colours: red, pink, applegreen, lila, turquois, black 29,90€

Crazy Egg Gongreiber Crazy Egg Gongreiber A flumie which is able to produce lots of different tones out of the gong because of the oval form. Weight 32 g, lenght 19 cm, head 35 x 45 cm, ideal for gongs in the size of 16"-80", colour: colourful 15,90€