To order a gong or ask a question, please give Ines a email to
The prices are inclusive the german VAT plus shipping costs.

Symphonic Gong 80 Symphonic Gong 80" / 215cm not longer available 36.500,-€
water-gong Watergong 60" / 150 cm
A deep smooth water and a body of flowing water - depending on how you play the gong.
SC Earth 60 Oetken SC Erde 60" / 150 cm The gong has a warm and deep sound - it appears mystical and incomprehensible.
Oetken Mikrophonie Gong 60 Oetken Mikrophonie Gong 60" / 150cm
Its a symphonic Gong but a bit more responsive…
Symphonic Gong 60 Symphonic Gong 60" / 150cm 20.640,-€
thor-gong Mjölnir 50" / 125 cm
Thor's hammer - your can hear the rolling thunder…
TriangelGong 40 Oetken Triangel Gong 50" / 125 cm This Gong sounds so deep and powerful, he impresses with its reflective geometry
Mystical Earth 50 Oetken Mystical Earth Gong 50" / 125 cm This Gong combines the sound of the Watergong with the SC Earthgong in a mystical way. 13.950,-€
watergong Wassergong 50" / 125 cm
A deep smooth water and a body of flowing water - depending on how you play the gong.
SC Earth 50 Oetken SC Erde 50" / 125 cm The gong has a warm and deep sound - it appears mystical and incomprehensible 14.050,-€
Symphonic Gong 50 Symphonic Gong 50" / 125 cm 12.500,-€
Accent Gong 40 Vulkano Gong 50" / 125 cm 12.290,-€
Accent Gong 40 Accent Gong 50" / 125 cm 12.290,-€
Mirrorpolish in the back 50 Mirrorpolish in the back 50" 365,00€
thor-gong Mjölnir 40" / 102 cm
Thor's hammer - your can hear the rolling thunder…
TriangelGong 40 Oetken Triangel Gong 40" / 102 cm This Gong sounds so deep and powerful, he impresses with its reflective geometry. 5.550,-€
Mystical Earth 40 Oetken Mystical Earth Gong 40" / 102 cm This Gong combines the sound of the Watergong with the SC Earthgong in a mystical way. 5.550,-€
Komet Nr. 1 40 Oetken Komet Nr. 1 - 40" / 102 cm The Gong with a free but a clear directed sound, wonderful deep for this size. 5.350,-€
Komet Nr. 2 40 Oetken Komet Nr. 2 - 40" / 102 cm This Gong with a free sound and is wonderful deep for this size. 5.350,-€
Komet Nr. 3 40 Oetken Komet Nr. 3 - 40" / 102 cm The Gong with a free sound and is wonderful deep for this size. Due to the massive hammerhits especially the sound in a way like a SC Earth Gong. 5.350,-€
Komet Nr. 4 40 Oetken Komet Nr. 4 - 40" / 102 cm The Gong with a free sound and is wonderful deep for this size. Due to the massive hammerhits especially the sound in a way like a SC Water Gong. 5.350,-€
Komet Nr. 5 40 Oetken Komet Nr. 5 - 40" / 102 cm The Gong with a free sound, here meets the SC Water the SC Earth sound but in wonderful deepness for this size. 5.550,-€
water-gong Watergong 40" / 102 cm
A deep smooth water and a body of flowing water - depending on how you play the gong.
SC Earth 40 Oetken SC Earth 40" / 102 cm The gong has a warm and deep sound - it appears mystical and incomprehensible 5.400,-€
ToL 40 Tree of life Gong 40" / 102 cm
The "Tree of life Gong" is a symphonic Gong
Mandala 40 Mandala Gong 40" / 102 cm
The "Mandala Gong" is a symphonic Gong, possible colours: signalred, brilliantblue, yellowgreen, limon, middleyellow, white, black and brown
Symphonic Gong with Om 40 Symphonic Gong with Om Logo 40" / 102 cm 5.290,-€
Symphonic Gong 40 Symphonic Gong 40" / 102 cm 5.250,-€
Uranus 40 Uranus 40" / 102 cm 207,36 Hz / G# 3
A4/a' = 439.38 Hz
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
207,36 / 4 = 54,84 Hz G# 1
Neptun 40 Neptun 40" / 102 cm
211,44 Hz / G# 3
A4/a' = 448.03 Hz
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
211,44 / 4 = 52,86 Hz G# 1
Luna synodisch 40 Luna synodisch 40" / 102 cm
210,42 Hz / G# 3
A4/a' = 445.87 Hz
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
210,42 / 4 = 52,61 Hz G# 1
108/ 54 Hz Gong 40 108/ 54 Hz Gong 40" / 102 cm
54 Hz = 108 Hz / A2
A4/a' = 432.00 Hz
The gong vibrates one octave lower:
108 / 2 = 54,0 Hz A1
Venus 40 Venus 40" / 102 cm
221,23 Hz / A 3
A4/a' = 442.46 Hz
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
221,23 / 4 = 55,31 Hz A 1
Asteria 40 Asteria 40" / 102 cm
226 Hz / A 3
A4/a' = 452 Hz
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
226 / 4 = 56,50 Hz A 1
Vulkano Gong 40 Vulkano Gong 40" / 102 cm 5.225,-€
Accent Gong 40 Accent Gong 40" / 102 cm 5.225,-€
Mirrorpolish in the back 40 Mirrorpolish in the back 40" 220,00€
Geometric Triangel Gong 36 Oetken Triangel Gong 36" / 91 cm This Gong sounds so deep and powerful, he impresses with its reflective geometry. 3.485,-€
Mystical Earth 36 Oetken Mystical Earth Gong 36" / 91 cm This Gong combines the sound of the Watergong with the SC Earthgong in a mystical way. 3.485,-€
Wassergong 36 Watergong 36" / 91cm
A deep smooth water and a body of flowing water - depending on how you play the gong.
SC Earth 36 Oetken SC Erde 36" / 91cm The gong has a warm and deep sound - it appears mystical and incomprehensible 3.290,-€
Komet Nr. 1 36 Oetken Komet Nr. 1 - 36" / 91 cm The Gong with a free but a clear directed sound, wonderful deep for this size. 3.125,-€
Komet Nr. 2 36 Oetken Komet Nr. 2 - 36" / 91 cm This Gong with a free sound and is wonderful deep for this size. 3.125,-€
Komet Nr. 3 36 Oetken Komet Nr. 3 - 36" / 91 cm The Gong with a free sound and is wonderful deep for this size. Due to the massive hammerhits especially the sound in a way like a SC Earth Gong. 3.125,-€
Komet Nr. 4 36 Oetken Komet Nr. 4 - 36" / 91 cm The Gong with a free sound and is wonderful deep for this size. Due to the massive hammerhits especially the sound in a way like a SC Water Gong. 3.125,-€
Komet Nr. 5 36 Oetken Komet Nr. 5 - 36" / 91 cm The Gong with a free sound, here meets the SC Water the SC Earth sound but in wonderful deepness for this size. 3.485,-€
Tree of Life 36 Tree of life Gong 36" / 91cm
The "Tree of life Gong" is a symphonic Gong
Mandala 36 Mandala Gong 36" / 91cm
The "Mandala Gong" is a symphonic Gong, possible colours: signalred, brilliantblue, yellowgreen, limon, middleyellow, white, black and brown
36 Symphonic or Planetary Gong with Om Logo 36" / 91 cm
We offer the Om-Logo printed in black, white or transparent.
You can also order the Om-Logo on other gongs.
Terra36 Terra mit Om-Logo 36" / 91cm 136,10 Hz / C# 3
A4/a' = 432.09 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
136,1 / 2 = 68,05 Hz C# 2
We offer the Om-Logo printed in black, white or transparent.
You can also order the Om-Logo on other gongs.
Luna siderisch 36 Luna siderisch 36" / 91 cm
227,43 Hz / A# 3
A4/a' = 429.33 Hz
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
227,43 / 4 = 56,86 Hz A# 1
Makemake Gong 36 Makemake 36" / 91 cm
227,56 Hz / A# 3
A4/a' = 429.58 Hz
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
227,56 / 4 = 56,89 Hz A# 1
Mondknoten / Nodes Gong 36 Mondknoten / Nodes Gong 36" / 91cm 234,16 Hz / A# 3
A4/a' = 442.04 Hz
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
234,16 / 4 = 56,86 Hz A# 1
Pallas 36 Pallas 36" / 91cm 235,68 Hz / A# 3
A4/a' = 444.90 Hz
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
235,68 / 4 = 58,92 Hz A#1
Ceres 36 Ceres 36" / 91cm 236,47 Hz / A# 3
A4/a' = 446.39
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
236,47 / 4 = 59,12 Hz A# 1
 Quaoar 36" / 91cm 241,26 Hz / B 3
A4/a' = 429.88
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
241,26 / 4 = 60,32 Hz B 1
 Haumea 36" / 91 cm
245,56 Hz / B 3
A4/a' = 437.55 Hz
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
245,56 / 4 = 61,39 Hz B 1
  Circe 36" / 91cm 247,33 Hz / B 3
A4/a' = 440.70 Hz
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
247,33 / 4 = 61,83 Hz B 1
 Eris 36" / 91cm 249,28 Hz / B 3
A4/a' = 444.17 Hz
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
249,28 / 4 = 62,32Hz B 1
 Varuna 36" / 91cm 249,58 Hz / B 3
A4/a' = 444.70 Hz
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
249,58 / 4= 62,39 Hz B 1
 Schumann Resonanz 36" / 91cm Earthresonancefrequency, is the vibrational pattern with which the earth pulsates
125,28 Hz / B 2
A4/a' = 446.45 Hz
The gong vibrates one octave lower:
125,28 / 2 = 62,64 Hz B 1

On request the gong is without logo available.
 Delphin Frequency 36" / 91cm
125,28 Hz / B 2
A4/a' = 446.45 Hz
The gong vibrates one octave lower:
125,28 / 2 = 62,64 Hz B 1
Gonggong 36 Gongong 36" / 91cm 125,70 Hz / B 2 (H 2)
A4/a' = Hz
The gong vibrates one octave lower:
125,70 / 2 = 62,64Hz B 1
Sol 36 Sol 36" / 91cm 126,22 Hz / B 2 (H 2)
A4/a' = 449.80 Hz
The gong vibrates two octaves lower:
126,22 / 2 = 63,11Hz B 1
 Fides 36" / 91cm 126,76 Hz / B 2
A4/a' = 451.64 Hz
The gong vibrates one octave lower:
126,76 / 2 = 63,38 Hz B# 2
Master Fork 36 Master Fork 36" / 91cm 128 Hz / C 3
A4/a' = 430.54 Hz
The gong vibrates one octave lower:
128 / 2 = 64 Hz C 2
 Sedna 36" (old frequency)/ 91cm 128,10 Hz / C 3

The gong vibrates an octave lower:
128,1 / 2 = 64,055 Hz C 2
 Diana 36" / 91cm 128,46 Hz / C 3
A4/a' = 432.07 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
128,46 / 2 = 64,23 Hz C 2
 Irene 36" / 91cm 130,88 Hz / C 3
A4/a' = 440.23 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
130,88 / 2 = 65,44 Hz C# 2
 Egeria 36" / 91 cm
131,67 Hz / C 3
A4/a' = 442.87 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
131,67 / 2 = 65,83 Hz C 2
  DNA Gong 36" / 91cm 132,66 Hz / C 3
A4/a' = 446.21 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
132,66 / 2 = 66,33 Hz B# 2
 Amphitrite 36" / 91cm 133,31 Hz / C 3
A4/a' = 448.41 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
133,31 / 2 = 66,66 Hz C# 2
 Terra 36" / 91cm 136,10 Hz / C# 3
A4/a' = 432.09 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
136,1 / 2 = 68,05 Hz C# 2
Symphonic 36 Symphonic Gong 36" / 91 cm 3.000,-€
Vulkano Gong 36 Vulkano Gong 36" / 91 cm 2.970,-€
Accent Gong 36 Accent Gong 36" / 91 cm 2.970,-€
Mirrorpolish in the back 36 Mirrorpolish in the back 36" 170,00€
Geometric Triangel Gong 32 Oetken Triangel Gong 32" / 81 cm This Gong sounds so deep and powerful, he impresses with its reflective geometry. 2.620,-€
Mystical Earth 32 Oetken Mystical Earth Gong 32" / 81 cm This Gong combines the sound of the Watergong with the SC Earthgong in a mystical way. 2.620,-€
OG-Gong Sol mobilis 32" / 81cm with Om Logo 126,22 Hz / B 3 (H 3)
A4/a' = 449.80 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
126,22 / 2 = 63,11Hz B 2
The planetgong Sol in an easy transportable size
We offer the Om-Logo printed in black, white or transparent.
You can also order the Om-Logo on other gongs.
OG-Gong Terra mobilis 32" / 81cm with Om Logo
136,10 Hz / C# 3
A4/a' = 432.09 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
136,1 / 2 = 68,05 Hz C# 2
The planetgong Terra in an easy transportable size
We offer the Om-Logo printed in black, white or transparent.
You can also order the Om-Logo on other gongs.
OG-Gong Sol mobilis 32" / 81cm 126,22 Hz / B 3 (H 2)
A4/a' = 449.80 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
126,22 / 2 = 63,11Hz B 2
The planetgong Sol in an easy transportable size
OG-Gong Terra mobilis 32" / 81cm
136,10 Hz / C# 3
A4/a' = 432.09 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
136,1 / 2 = 68,05 Hz C# 2
The planetgong Terra in an easy transportable size
heart-gong Herzgong 32" / 81cm If you play the gong in the middle you can hear the heartbeat. The swoosh of the gong could be imagined like the flow of the blood in the vessel. 2.580,-€
Wassergong 32 Watergong 32" / 81cm
A deep smooth water and a body of flowing water - depending on how you play the gong.
erde-hess-gong Oetken SC Erde 32" / 81cm The gong has a warm and deep sound - it appears mystical and incomprehensible 2.360,-€
Komet Nr. 1 40 Oetken Komet Nr. 1 - 32" / 81 cm The Gong with a free but a clear directed sound, wonderful deep for this size. 2.055,-€
Komet Nr. 2 40 Oetken Komet Nr. 2 - 32" / 81 cm This Gong with a free sound and is wonderful deep for this size. 1.950,-€
Komet Nr. 3 40 Oetken Komet Nr. 3 - 32" / 81 cm The Gong with a free sound and is wonderful deep for this size. Due to the massive hammerhits especially in the sound. 1.950,-€
Komet Nr. 4 32 Oetken Komet Nr. 4 - 32" / 81 cm The Gong with a free sound and is wonderful deep for this size. Due to the massive hammerhits especially the sound in a way like a SC Water Gong. 1.950,-€
Komet Nr. 5 32 Oetken Komet Nr. 5 - 32" / 81 cm The Gong with a free sound, here meets the SC Water the SC Earth sound but in wonderful deepness for this size. 2.620,-€
ToL 32 Tree of life Gong 32" / 81cm
The "Tree of life Gong" is a symphonic Gong
Mandala 32 Mandala Gong 32" / 81cm
The "Mandala Gong" is a symphonic Gong, possible colours: signalred, brilliantblue, yellowgreen, limon, middleyellow, white, black and brown
Symphonic 32 Symphonischer Gong with Om Logo 32" / 81 cm
We offer the Om-Logo printed in black, white or transparent.
You can also order the Om-Logo on other gongs.
Chariklo 32 Chariklo 32" / 81cm 138,13 Hz / C# 3
A4/a' = 438.52 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
138,13 / 2 = 69,06 Hz C# 2
 Pluto 32" / 81cm 140,64 Hz / C# 3
A4/a' = 446.49 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
140,64 / 2 = 70,32 Hz C# 2
Mercury 32 Mercury 32" / 81cm 141,27 Hz / C# 3
A4/a' = 448.50 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
141,27 / 2 = 70,64 Hz C# 2
Parthenope 32 Parthenope 32" / 81cm 141,75 Hz / C# 3
A4/a' = 450.03 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
141,75 / 2 = 70,88 Hz C# 2
Fortuna 32 Fortuna 32" / 81cm 142,58 Hz / C# 3
A4/a' = 452.66 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
142,58 / 2 = 71,29 Hz C# 2
Isis 32 Isis 32" / 81cm 142,65 Hz / C# 3
A4/a' = 452.88 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
142,65 / 2 = 71,33 Hz C 2
Demeter 32 Demeter 32" / 81cm 143,91 Hz / D 3
A4/a' = 431.23 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
143,91 / 2 = 71,95 Hz D 2
Hebe 32 Hebe 32" / 81cm 144,2 Hz / D 3
A4/a' = 432.11 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
144,2 / 2 = 72,10 Hz D 2
Mars 32 Mars 32" / 81cm 144,72 Hz / D 3
A4/a' = 434.67 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
144,72 / 2 = 72,36 Hz D 2
Metis 32 Metis 32" / 81cm 147,49 Hz / D 3
A4/a' = 442.57 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
147,49 / 2 = 73,84 Hz D 2
Saturn 32 Saturn 32" / 81cm 147,85 Hz / D 3
A4/a' = 443.05 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
147,85 / 2 = 73,93 Hz D 2
Orion 32 Orion 32" / 81cm 148,00 Hz / D 3
A4/a' = 443.50 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
148,00 / 2 = 74,00 Hz D 2
Urania 32 Urania 32" / 81cm 149,67 Hz / D 3
A4/a' = 448.51 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
149,67 / 2 = 74,84 Hz D 2
Vesta 32 Vesta 32" / 81cm 150,01 Hz / D 3
A4/a' = 449.49 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
150,01 / 2 = 75,00 Hz D 2
Chiron 32 Chiron ( old frequency) 32" / 81 cm 151,27 Hz / D 3

The gong vibrates an octave lower:
151,27 / 2 = 75,64 Hz D 2
Apollo 32 Apollo 32" / 81cm 152,67 Hz / D# 3
A4/a' = 431.81 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
152,67 / 2 = 76,33 Hz D# 2
Eros 32 Eros 32" / 81cm 154,60 Hz / D# 3
A4/a' = 437.28 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
154,60 / 2 = 77,30 Hz D# 2
Melpomene 32 Melpomene 32" / 81cm 156,51 Hz / D# 3
A4/a' = 442.67 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
156,51 / 2 = 78,25 Hz D# 2
Pan 32 Pan 32" / 81cm 157,11 Hz / D# 3
A4/a' = 444.38 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
157,11 / 2 = 78,56 Hz D# 2
Symphonic 32 Symphonic Gong 32" / 81 cm 1.890,-€
Vulkano Gong 32 Vulkano Gong 32" / 81 cm 1.850,-€
Accent Gong 32 Accent Gong 32" / 81 cm 1.850,-€
Mirrorpolish in the back 32 Mirrorpolish in the back 32" 122,00€
Wassergong 28 Watergong 28" / 71cm
A deep smooth water and a body of flowing water - depending on how you play the gong.
Erde 28 Oetken SC Erde 28" / 71cm The gong has a warm and deep sound -
it appears mystical and incomprehensible
Komet Nr. 1 28 Oetken Komet Nr. 1 - 28" / 71 cm The Gong with a free but a clear directed sound, wonderful deep for this size. 1.765,-€
Komet Nr. 2 28 Oetken Komet Nr. 2 - 28" / 71 cm This Gong with a free sound and is wonderful deep for this size. 1.765,-€
Komet Nr. 3 28 Oetken Komet Nr. 3 - 28" / 71 cm The Gong with a free sound and is wonderful deep for this size. Due to the massive hammerhits especially in the sound. 1.765,-€
ToL 28 Tree of life Gong 28" / 71cm
The "Tree of life Gong" is a symphonic Gong
Mandala 28 Mandala Gong 28" / 71cm
The "Mandala Gong" is a symphonic Gong, possible colours: signalred, brilliantblue, yellowgreen, limon, middleyellow, white, black and brown
Om 28 Symphonic Gong with Om Logo 28" / 71cm
We offer the Om-Logo printed in black, white or transparent.
You can also order the Om-Logo on other gongs.
Zeus 28 Zeus 28" / 71cm
159,76 Hz / D# 3
A4/a' = 451.86 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
159,76 / 2 = 79,88 Hz D# 2
Nibiru 28 Nibiru 28" / 71cm 161,26 Hz / E 3
A4/a' = 430.51 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
161,26 / 2 = 80,63 Hz E 2
Flora 28 Flora 28" / 71cm 166,76 Hz / E 3
A4/a' = 444.95 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
166,76 / 2 = 83,33 Hz E 2
Toro 28 Toro 28" / 71cm 170,19 Hz / F 3
A4/a' = 428.86 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
170,19 / 2 = 85,10 Hz F 2
plat year 28 Platonic Year 28" / 71cm 172,06 Hz / F 3
A4/a' = 433.56 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
172,06 / 2 = 86,03 Hz F 2
Chiron 28 Chiron 28" / 71cm
172,86 Hz / F 3
A4/a' = 435.58 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
172,86 / 2 = 86,43 Hz F 2
Sirius Doublestar 28 Sirius Doublestar Gong 28" / 71cm 174 Hz / F 3
A4/a' = 438.45 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
174 / 2 = 87 Hz F 2
Sedna 28 Sedna 28" / 71cm 181,60 Hz / F# 3
A4/a' = 431.92 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
181,6 / 2 = 90,8 Hz F# 2
Jupiter 28 Jupiter 28" / 71cm 183,58 Hz / F# 3
A4/a' = 436.63 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
183,58 / 2 = 91,79 Hz F# 2
Mondkulmination 28 Mondkulmination 28" / 71cm 187,61 Hz / F# 3
A4/a' = 446.21 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
187,61 / 2 = 93,81 Hz F# 2
Eno 28 Eno 28" / 71cm 189,05 Hz / F# 3
A4/a' = 449.63 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
189,05 / 2 = 94,52 Hz F# 2
Pholus 28 Pholus 28" / 71cm 189,40 Hz / F# 3
A4/a' = 450.47 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
189,40 / 2 = 94,70 Hz F# 2
symphonic 28 Symphonic Gong 28" / 71 cm 1.546,-€
Accent Gong 28 Accent Gong 28" / 71 cm 1.546,-€
Mirrorpolish in the back 28 Mirrorpolish in the back 28" 98,00€
SC Moon Gong 24 Oetken SC Moon Gong 24" / 61 cm A gong with a long, long sustain. 1.460,-€
Don 24 Oetken Don Conreaux Signature Refelection Gong 24" / 61 cm It is a symphonic Gong with a mirror in the middle and the signature of Don Conreaux on the back 1.290,-€
Geometric Triangel Gong 24 Oetken Triangel Gong 24" / 61 cm This Gong sounds so deep and powerful, he impresses with its reflective geometry. 1.255,-€
Wassergong 24 Watergong 24" / 61cm
A deep smooth water and a body of flowing water - depending on how you play the gong.
erde-hess-gong Oetken SC Erde 24" / 61 cm The gong has a warm and deep sound -
it appears mystical and incomprehensible
Komet Nr. 1 24 Oetken Komet Nr. 1 - 24" / 61 cm The Gong with a free but a clear directed sound, wonderful deep for this size. 1.240,-€
Komet Nr. 2 24 Oetken Komet Nr. 2 - 24" / 61 cm This Gong with a free sound and is wonderful deep for this size. 1.240,-€
Komet Nr. 3 24 Oetken Komet Nr. 3 - 24" / 61 cm The Gong with a free sound and is wonderful deep for this size. Due to the massive hammerhits especially in the sound. 1.240,-€
ToL24 Tree of life Gong 24" / 61cm
The "Tree of life Gong" is a symphonic Gong
Mandala 24 Mandala Gong 24" / 61cm
The "Mandala Gong" is a symphonic Gong, possible colours: signalred, brilliantblue, yellowgreen, limon, middleyellow, white, black and brown
Venus Ankh 24 Venus with Ankh-Logo 24" / 61 cm 221,23 Hz A3
A4/a’ = 442.46 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
221,23 / 2 = 110,62 Hz A 2
sid Tag 24 Siderischer Tag 24" / 61cm 194,71 Hz / G 3
A4/a' = 437.11 Hz Hz Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
194,71 / 2 = 97,36 Hz G 2
Hygiea Hygiea 24" / 61cm
195,45 Hz / G 3
A4/a' = 438.77 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
195,45 / 2 = 97,73 Hz G 2
Europe Europe 24" / 61cm 200,03 Hz / G 3
A4/a' = 449.07
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
200,03 / 2 = 100,02 Hz G 2
Amor Amor 24" / 61cm
204,70 Hz / G 3
A4/a' = 433.75 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
204,70 / 2 = 102,35 Hz G 2
Uranus-Gong Uranus 24" / 61cm 207,36 Hz / G# 3
A4/a' = 439.38 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
207,36 / 2 = 103,68 Hz G# 2
Luna-Gong Luna synodic 24" / 61cm 210,42 Hz / G# 3
A4/a' = 445.86 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
210,42 / 2 = 105,21 Hz G# 2
Neptun-Gong Neptun 24" / 61cm
211,44 Hz / G# 3
A4/a' = 448.03 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
211,44 / 2 = 105,72 Hz G# 2
Psyche 24 Psyche 24" / 61cm
217,89 Hz / A 3
A4/a' = 435.79 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
217,89 / 2 = 108,95 Hz A 2
Venus 24 Venus 24" / 61cm
221,23 Hz / A 3
A4/a' = 442,46 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
221,23 / 2 = 110,62 Hz A 2
Solfeggio 111 Hz 24 Solfeggio 111 Hz 24" / 61cm 111 Hz / A2 3

Luna-Gong Luna Siderial 24" / 61cm
227,43 Hz / A# 3
A4/a' = 429.33 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
227,43 / 2 = 113,72 Hz A# 2
Metonic Cycle of the Moon Gong Metonic Cycle of the Moon 24" / 61cm
458,44 Hz / A# 3
A4/a' = 432.71 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
229,22 / 2 = 114,61 Hz A# 2
Mondknoten Mondknoten/ Moonknot 24" / 61cm
234,16 Hz / A# 3
A4/a' = 442.04 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
234,16 / 2 = 117,08 Hz A# 2
symphonic 24 Symphonic Gong 24" / 61 cm 1.110,-€
Accent Gong 24 Accent Gong 24" / 61 cm 1.080,-€
Mirrorpolish in the back 24 Mirrorpolish in the back 24" 86,00€
Herz Gong 20 Heart Handgong 20" / 51 cm A small, light easy handable Gong 862,-€
Wassergong 20 Watergong 20" / 51cm
A deep smooth water and a body of flowing water - depending on how you play the gong.
Erde 20 Oetken SC Erde 20" / 51 cm The gong has a warm and deep sound -
it appears mystical and incomprehensible
placeholder Tuned Gong withLogo 20" / 51 cm
The logo is available in the colours black, white or in the to the frequency corresponding colour.
Komet Nr. 1 20 Oetken Komet Nr. 1 - 20" / 51 cm The Gong with a free but a clear directed sound, wonderful deep for this size. 759,-€
Komet Nr. 2 20 Oetken Komet Nr. 2 - 20" / 51 cm This Gong with a free sound and is wonderful deep for this size. 759,-€
Komet Nr. 3 20 Oetken Komet Nr. 3 - 20" / 51 cm The Gong with a free sound and is wonderful deep for this size. Due to the massive hammerhits especially in the sound. 759,-€
Teharonhiawako 20 Teharonhiawako 20" / 51cm
236,59 Hz / A# 3
A4/a' = 446.62 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
236,59 / 2 = 118,29 Hz A# 2
The saros period of the moon 20 The saros period of the moon 20" / 51cm
241,46 Hz / B 3
A4/a' = 430.23 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
241,46 / 2 = 120,73 Hz B 2
The apsidis rotation of the moon 20 The apsidis rotation of the moon 20" / 51cm
246,04 Hz / B 3
A4/a' = 438.39 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
246,04 / 2 = 123,02 Hz B 2
Schumann Resonance Schumann Resonance 20" / 51cm
250,56 Hz / B 3
A4/a' = 446.45 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
250,56 / 2 = 125,28 Hz B 2
Gonggong Gonggong 20" / 51cm
251,39 Hz / B 3
A4/a' = Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
251,39 / 2 = 125,70 Hz B 2
Sol Sol 20" / 51cm
252,44 Hz / B 3
A4/a' = 449.80 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
252,44 / 2 = 125,28 Hz B 2
Fides Fides 20" / 51cm
253,53 Hz / B 3
A4/a' = 451.74 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
253,53 / 2 = 126,76 Hz B 2
The Masterfork 20 The Masterfork 20" / 51cm
256,00 Hz / C 3
A4/a' = 430.54 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
256,00 / 2 = 128 Hz C 2
DNA DNA 20" / 51cm
265,32 Hz / C 4
A4/a' = 446.21 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
265,32 / 2 = 132,66 Hz C 3
Terra Terra 20" / 51cm
272,20 Hz / C# 3
A4/a' = 432.02 Hz
The gong vibrates an octave lower:
272,20 / 2 = 136,10 Hz C# 2
Mandala 20 Mandala Gong 20" / 51cm
The "Mandala Gong" is a symphonic Gong, possible colours: signalred, brilliantblue, yellowgreen, limon, middleyellow, white, black and brown
symphonic 20 Symphonic Gong 20" / 51 cm 710,-€
Accent Gong 20 Accent Gong 20" / 51 cm 688,-€
Mirrorpolish in the back 20 Mirrorpolish in the back 20" 74,00€
Herz Gong 16 Heart Handgong 16" / 41 cm A small, light easy handable Gong 590,-€
ToL 16 Tree of Life Gong 16" / 41 cm
The "Tree of life Gong" is a symphonic Gong. A small, light easy handable Gong
Wassergong 16 Watergong 16" / 41cm
A deep smooth water and a body of flowing water - depending on how you play the gong.
A small, light easy handable Gong
Erde 16 Handgong Oetken SC Earth 16" / 41 cm
The gong has a warm and deep sound -
it appears mystical and incomprehensible
symphonic 16 Symphonic Handgong 16" / 41 cm
A small, light easy handable Gong, symphonic sound
Mirrorpolish in the back 16 Mirrorpolish in the back 16" 61,00€
Mirrorpolish in the back 16 Mirrorpolish in the back 16" 61,00€
Mirrorpolish in the back 20 Mirrorpolish in the back 20" 74,00€
Mirrorpolish in the back 24 Mirrorpolish in the back 24" 86,00€
Mirrorpolish in the back 28 Mirrorpolish in the back 28" 98,00€
Mirrorpolish in the back 32 Mirrorpolish in the back 32" 122,00€
Mirrorpolish in the back 36 Mirrorpolish in the back 36" 170,00€
Mirrorpolish in the back 40 Mirrorpolish in the back 40" 220,00€
Mirrorpolish in the back 50 Mirrorpolish in the back 50" 365,00€
Rubberhandle for 16 Rubberhandle for 16" / 41 cm Gongs It is a handle made from rubber, it could make the dance with the gong more comfortable for the hand and it leaves no scratches 9,50€
Rubberhandle for 20 Rubberhandle for 20" / 51 cm Gongs It is a handle made from rubber, it could make the dance with the gong more comfortable for the hand and it leaves no scratches 9,50€
Rubberhandle for 24 Rubberhandle for 24" / 61 cm Gongs It is a handle made from rubber, it could make the dance with the gong more comfortable for the hand and it leaves no scratches 12,50€
Wax Oetken Gong Wax
The right aid to wax the gong (about 16g) No shipment outside EU possible
placeholder Rope for 16" and 20" Oetken Gong 13,-€
placeholder Rope for 24" and 28" Oetken Gong 16,-€
placeholder Rope for 32" Oetken Gong 19,-€
placeholder Rope for 36" and 40" Oetken Gong 21,-€
placeholder Rope for 50" and 60" Oetken Gong 24,-€
placeholder Rope for 80" Oetken Gong 29,-€

The following Gongs are no longer available
To_remind_Walter-Gong To remind Walter No. 1
Neusilber/Alpaka 22"
Thanks for your understanding that we sell unique gongs only personally in our factory.

Remind-walter-star-gong To remind Walter "star" Neusilber/Alpaka 22"
Thanks for your understanding that we sell unique gongs only personally in our factory.

To_remind_Walter-Gong To remind Walter No 2 18"
Thanks for your understanding that we sell unique gongs only personally in our factory.

To_remind_Walter-Gong To remind Walter No 3 18"
Thanks for your understanding that we sell unique gongs only personally in our factory.

Moon-Gong To remind Walter "moon" Neusilber/Alpaka 22"
Thanks for your understanding that we sell unique gongs only personally in our factory.
